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LUUMS Composers' Collective 2023/24


我們是一個非常社交和協作的社會,經常在作品上共同努力,這已成為彼此了解並了解更多有關構圖的有趣方式。我們最近與MME協會(音樂多媒體和電子產品)合作在Hyde Park Book Club進行了一場休閒演出。當然,我們還與LUUMS出色的表演者合作,使我們的作品成為現實。

我們每個星期三下午3:00至下午3-5點在音樂學院開會,討論新的樂曲,我們熱衷的音樂,當然還有樂曲!我們還安排社交活動,例如前往Old Bar的旅行,以及每年11月每年前往世界著名的哈德斯菲爾德當代音樂節的旅行。還有很多更廣泛的LUUMS社交活動,這是結識志趣相投的人以及可能會演奏您音樂的人的絕妙方式!








Rhys Wilford (he/him)

Rhys is a 4th year Meng Electronic Engineering student from Sheffield. He has been a keen guitar player since the age of 8 and feels most at home writing and arranging for rock ensembles. He draws inspiration from a wide range of sources and takes every opportunity to discover new music. Rhys has spent the past two years as a departmental member of LUUMS and felt like now it was finally a good time to jump in to contributing towards an ensemble, with Composers Collective being the perfect fit! He is excited to help grow the collective and explore new musical avenues with the group, building on the success of last year’s team.​

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Melissa Wright (she/her)

Melissa (she/her) has enjoyed being part of composers collective throughout her uni years. She is dedicated to growing composers collective and creating opportunities for composers and songwriters to have their music performed to an audience. Melissa composes for a range of styles and ensembles, recently taking a larger interest into composing for brass band. Other compositional and musical insterests include playing in bands, song-writing, and writing for smaller chamber ensembles. She is grateful for the opportunities and confidence she has gained through composers collective and is excited to work to support the composers in LUUMS.

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